I found this question at one of the other voip forums (obviously not answered). So I thought to cover this question on my blog as it may help others too.
"Hi i am from India. I want to make free calls to Australia. Please tell which service is available, how can I use and what are its charges ?"
My answer to him -:
So you want to make free calls to Australia. The answer is to use Voip. Now you can either use a Free Pc to Phone calling service or you can even make use of Phone to Phone calling, another option would be using a voip adapter.
If you are new to voip (the person asking the questions seemed so), then I would suggest you to use Free PC to Phone calling service to Australia. This way it will not matter from where you are calling (this case India) but only thing which matters is the destination you want to call.
What you need...?
A computer with internet connection (broadband), headset and MIC.
Services offerig this for free...?
The first name which comes to my mind is Mediaringtalk (each call will last about 10 min, but you can call that number again and again, so its unlimited free calls to Australia).
Another voip provider offering free calls to Australia is any betamax provider. I use webcalldirect.com (make multiple accounts, each gets you 5 min free calls).
This way you can make unlimited free voip calls to Australia. If you want free phone to phone call, then Tabrio can be a good option.
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