This is a very popular question asked by many people all round the globe.
Someone asked to me "I am planning togetting rid of my fixed phone line and just using VOiP. Are there any drawback? I make most of my calls via my mobile and landline phone. I need to know a reliable VoiP service."
Well friend, getting rid of your mobile and landline both completely will be a bad idea. I would suggest you to get rid of your landline phone and still continue with your mobile phone.
And regarding using voip, better use a voip adapter at your home for making voip calls. You can also make Pc to Phone calls or using any SIP device. To reduce your mobile phone bills, it would be better to use Mobile voip (fring etc) or any other SIP service in your mobile phone.
I must tell you that you will save a lot of money if you start using Voip. The only drawback being that you won't be able to make emergency call and you need full time internet broadband connection. (So if you still continue with your mobile phone, both your problems will be solved).
Regarding finding a good voip provider (it depends on country you are living and country you call most), just surf this voip blog. I am sure you will find a good voip provider for yourself.
Guys, if you also have any questions then just post them in comment section, I will answer to each of your questions.
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Is it worth getting rid of your fixed phone line : Using Voip
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